21st Century Learning
This collection of CERCA Slides focuses on the important questions of learning and the purpose of education in our time. As each of us navigates our literacy development and our life path, it is important to reflect on how we learn best and what is most important. Check out these thought-provoking close readings and questions for writing, discussion, and debate!
CERCA Slides by Grade
Grade 3: Playing To Learn
Are computer games an effective way to learn? (CCSS.RI.3.1-3.10; CCSS.W.3.1-3.10)
Grade 4: Adventures In Educational Video Games
Is it possible to learn about the real world through video games? (CCSS.RI.4.1-4.10; CCSS.W.4.1-4.10)
Grade 5: 1968's Computerized School of the Future
How did people in the past envision learning in the 21st century, and have their predictions come true? (CCSS.RI.5.1-5.8, CCSS.W.5.1)
Grade 6: How Is Technology Being Used In The 21st Century?
How is technology being used in the 21st century to learn more about how we learn? (CCSS.RI.6.1-6.4, CCSS.W.6.1)
Grade 7: Are AudioBooks As Good For You As Reading?
Based on the reading, how does learning through audiobooks compare to reading actual printed materials? (CCSS.RI.7.1;CCSS.W.7.4)
Grade 8: Here's Why Students Don't Revise What They Write
Of all the arguments for writing revision as a way to empower learners, which do you believe is the most important and how should teachers and schools motivate students to do it? (CCSS.RI.8.1; CCSS.W.8.6)
Grade 9: Taking A Second Look at the Learn-to-Code Craze
Should all students learn computer science even if the intentions of technology companies sponsoring the efforts are questionable? (CCSS.RI.9-10.6; CCSS.W.9-10.1)
Grade 10: The Surprising Thing Google Learned
Which skill - or set of skills - will make today’s students most successful in their careers? (CCSS.RI.9-10.6, CCSS.W.9-10.1)
Grade 11: Education Isn't A Commodity
Is the author’s claim about the purpose for education equally relevant to everyone?(CCSS.RI.11-12.6; CCSS.W.11-12.1)