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Social Responsibility

This set showcases upstanders who took ownership for solving problems in their community and making a positive impact. Whether they were working on policy, creating music, or simply being loyal friends, each of these upstanders made a difference in the lives of many others.

CERCA Slides by Grade


Grade 3: When Candy Isn’t Sweet

How did Jane Addams' experiences during her first year at Hull House inspire her future work for social justice? (CCSS.RL.3.1-3.4; CCSS.W.3.2)


Grade 4: Wangari Maatha

What actions did Dr. Wangari Maathai take to make the world a better place? (CCSS.RL.4.1-4.8; CCSS.W.4.2)


Grade 5: Cesar Chavez: Dignity in Delano

Based on the sources, how did Cesar Chavez help change how farm workers are treated? (CCSS.RI.5.1-5.9; CCSS.W.5.2–5.6)


Grade 6: How the music of Hawai'i’s last ruler guided the Island's people through crisis

How did Queen Lili`uokalani use music to bridge cultures and connect with her people during uncertain times? (CCSS.RI.6.1-6.5; CCSS.W.6.2)


Grade 7: Bayard Rustin

What does Bayard Rustin show about how different people can use their unique skills and abilities to work for social change?(CCSS.RI.7.1-7.6; CCSS.W.7.2)


Grade 8: Ida Takes Aim

How did Ida M. Tarbell’s writings draw attention to unfair business practices, and how did consumer attitudes change as a result? (CCSS.RI.8.1-8.6; CCSS.W.8.2)


Grade 9: Overlooked No More: Ralph Lazo, Who Voluntarily Lived in an Internment Camp

In his poem about parenting and growing up, “The Exposed Nest,” what theme does Frost explore? (CCSS.RI.9–10.6; CCSS.W.9–10.2)


Grade 10: The True Story of Min Matheson, the Labor Leader Who Fought the Mob at the Polls

How did Min Matheson’s labor activism bring about change for people in her northeastern Pennsylvania community? (CCSS.RL.9-10.5; CCSS.W.9-10.2)


Grade 11: Fannie Lou Hamer’s Dauntless Fight for Black Americans’ Right to Vote

Why did Fannie Lou Hamer consider the vote to be a powerful tool for social change? (CCSS.RL.11-12.5; CCSS.W.11-12.2)


Grade 12: Excerpt from "Civil Disobedience"

Does Thoreau make a convincing argument that — in a democracy — following one's conscience is more important than following an unjust law? (CCSS.RI.11-12.9; CCSS.W.11-12.1)

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