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Nature Poetry

Nature is all around us! As you enjoy time outside, this set of Pear Deck-powered CERCA Slides was developed to inspire everyone to be nature’s stewards!

CERCA Slides by Grade


Grade 3: Elk

How does the speaker use action words to show that nature is alive and always changing? (CCSS.RL.3.2-3.4; CCSS.W.3.2)


Grade 4: The Wind

In the poem “The Wind,” what human characteristics does the child imagine that the wind has? (CCSS.RL.4.2, CCSS.W.4.2)


Grade 5: Seashell

In “Seashell,” what does Federico Garcia Lorca convey about the power of sharing a souvenir with someone? (CCSS.RL.5.2, CCSS.W.5.2)


Grade 6: When I Heard The Learn'd Astronomer

How does Whitman’s poem contrast the scientific exploration of nature with the emotional experience of it? (CCSS.RL.6.2, CCSS.W.6.2)


Grade 7: The Coming Of Fox

What is Lucille Clifton saying about the relationship between humans and animals in the poem “the coming of fox”? (CCSS.RL.7.2, CCSS.W.7.2)


Grade 8: The Owl

What does the owl's cry represent in Thomas' poem "The Owl"? (CCSS.RL.8.2, CCSS.W.8.2)


Grade 9: The Exposed Nest

In his poem about parenting and growing up, “The Exposed Nest,” what theme does Frost explore? (CCSS.RL.9-10.2; CCSS.W.9-10.2)


Grade 10: Hurt Hawks

What commentary or observation does the poet make about life, death, and dignity through the choice made by the speaker in the poem “Hurt Hawks?” (CCSS.RL.9-10.2; CCSS.W.9-10.2)


Grade 11: I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud

In the poem, “I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud,” what commentary does Wordsworth provide on nature and the power of the imagination? (CCSS.RL.11-12.2; CCSS.W.11-12.2)


Grade 12: Cloud Anthem

How does the poet use nature-based imagery to develop and express ideals of human behavior? (CCSS.RL.11-12.2; CCSS.W.11-12.2)

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