Healthy Eating
This collection of CERCA Slides explores the role nutrition plays in our daily lives. What we eat can be deeply personal for us. Whether our choices are driven by cultural or medical concerns, each of us has different needs. Check out these thought-provoking texts and writing prompts on food insecurity, nutritional lifestyle choices, and what role the government should play in what we eat every day.
CERCA Slides by Grade

Grade 3: Should Junk Food Be Banned in Schools?
Should Junk Food Be Banned in Schools? (CCSS.RI.3.1-3.8; CCSS.W.3.1)

Grade 4: Gluten-Free Cafeterias
Should school cafeterias provide gluten-free options? (CCSS.RI.4.1-4.8; CCSS.W.4.1)

Grade 5: Vegetarian School Lunches
Should school serve only vegetarian food? (CCSS.RI.5.1-5.8, CCSS.W.5.1)

Grade 6: Pass the salt or hide the shaker?
Should the government regulate the sodium content of restaurant meals and processed foods? (CCSS.RI.6.1–6.6)

Grade 7: Global Obesity: A Big Disease is Growing
Is it the responsibility of governments to develop programs to curb rising rates of global obesity? Why or why not? (CCSS.RI.7.1-7.6;CCSS.W.7.1)

Grade 8: Students Protest Removal of Chocolate Milk
Should students be a part of deciding what is served in school cafeterias? (CCSS.RI.8.1-8.7;CCSS.W.8.1)

Grade 9: What Is Food Insecurity?
What should governments do to address the core causes of food insecurity? (CCSS.RI.9-10.6; CCSS.W.9-10.1)

Grade 10: 3 Billion People Cannot Afford A Healthy Diet
How can governments best use data to develop strategies to solve global hunger and malnutrition? (CCSS.RI.9-10.6, CCSS.W.9-10.1)

Grade 11: Ending Food Insecurity in Native Communities
Based on the reading, why are structural solutions the most promising solution to address food insecurity in Native American communities? (CCSS.RI.11-12.6; CCSS.W.11-12.1)